miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Expectations for this semester

In this semester my principal objective is organize my time to combine my studies with the tattoo. I want to learn more about techniques and find what is that I want to create in the skin. 
In the university I want to experience different ways to drawing and painting to apply in the tattoo and define my style, learning more about history, find references and finish all my class well.
been a little away from everybody.
Always I expect learn more about myself and my health and how to become in a better person. Still having fun, happy and motivate :)

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Cloud machine!

Today I'm going to talk about my tattoo machine. It's a handmade tattoo machine made by Armando

Ruiz, he's a tattoo artist and also is a builder of machines 8 years ago, so he really knows about the industry My machine is a liner 3-7, that mean it uses needles size 3, 5 and 7. I bought it in the summer of 2014, Armando does machines custom made, so I chose the form and color that is purple and black. That is my first professional machine and I definetely notice the differences in my work now that I have it.

I use it every time that I tattoo. Being in the university doesn't allow me to tattoo as much as I want to, but I try to work every free time that I have and travel regularly to San Vicente to work too, because I made clients in there.

I love my machine firts because it is unique, it's exactly what I want and also because in ways it makes my job easier.

Althought I love it, I'm thinking in buying a new one and sell it. Recently I met the Haw Machine made by Cheyenne and since then I need it, that would save me a lot of time and money in the future and the great advantage is its comfort.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

My autobiography

I was born in Rancagua, 22 years ago. My first city home was Pichidegua, I have little memories of my life in there, but they are very happy. When I was 5 years old we moved to San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, in a first time for my parent's job, but then my dad, who is a teacher, decided to make a school, so we still live in there until now. San Vicente is a small town, peaceful and quiet, there are beautifull places all around; rivers, hills, valleys, is a great place to stay if you enjoy the nature. 
I did kindergarden in Santa Ines school and when my dad create the school I started to study there, in fact I was the first registered. I studied there my whole childhood and teen years, so I made there my best friends.
In San Vicente I lived with my dad, my mother, who is a nurse by the way, my big brother Hernan who is studying medicine in Talca, my two dogs Simon and Alfonso and my cat Cucho and now we have a new member in the family, that's my cat named Panda. I loved my life in there so I visit them frequently, also I miss my pets so much.
I moved to Santiago in 2012 when I decided to study art, until may of this year I live alone, but I started a relationship and I live with my boyfriend and Panda now. Even if I'm so happy living with my boyfriend sometimes both of us need our own space, we are used to be most of time, so we're considering living apart again.
My hobbies when I was child included drawing, basquetball, handball, videogames, spent a lot of time with my friends or in the computer. Now there are a little differences, the sports still are part of my life, but I don't have so much time to practice. I like so much to spend time in nature, ride a bike and travel, go to concerts or the cinema and of course I love to be with muy friends, even if we can't see each other too much, also love spend time with my boyfriend and my cat, walk listening music, or just be in my bed.

In 2013 for a different problems I decided to froze the university. In that moment I learned how to tattoo and definitely was the best thing I do, that makes me so much happy. I tried to tattoo in my free time but  being in the university it is a bit difficult to organize those time. In the future, when I finish the career I expect to become in a tattoo artist and open my own tattoo shop and painting more as a hobby that as a profession.