lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

A day that I will always remember

Hi audience!

This can be a sad history but letf me a beautiful reflection.
Well, It was a day that I felt really bad, I was very hurt and heartbroken. That day I fight with all, it was one of those days where everything goes wrong.
I returned to my department where I leave alone with my cat, Panda. Being along makes me think abaout everything so I couldn’t find calm, I remember started to cry and cry in my bathroom, with the door closed and suddenly, Panda open the door and sits looking at me, I told him what was happening to me and why I was criying, he started meowing stronger and while more I cried, he more he continued meowing higher, then began to rub with me and purr, it was then I understood that he was consoling me and in fact he succeeded.
Since then I know that we are connected and that he can undertand me, so are relation is nearest.
I like to say “sometimes when there isn’t a hand, there are a paw” and I have a unconditional paw 

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