martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Cooking time!

Hi everyone, I looooove to cook and try new things so today and want to share a recipe that I made when celebrate 6-months relationship with my boyfriend. He love spaghetti with tomato sauce and soy meat (bot are ovo-lacto vegetarians), so in that occasion I wanted to make spaghetti in a different way and I cook with a soft green cream that I found in Pinterest… here is the recipe!

- Fresh spinach (1 cup)
- Fresh basil (½ cup)
- Nuts (½ cup)
- Avocado (1)
- Olive oil
- Salt

Firt I put to cook the spaghetti, while I put the spinach, basil and the avocado in the blender with a little of olive oil. When the spaghetti this cooked I keep a little of the water. I add butter and salt to spaghetti and I keep it covered. To the mix with spinach, basil and avocado I add slowly the nuts and for a smooth cream also add the cooking water of spaghetti, finally add salt at ease and ready!  I served with tomato and grated cheese.
Is very fast, very easy and very tasty ;)

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